I'm back home, done with PAX for this year. It was a lot of fun, very high energy, with a lot of memorable moments. I got Wil Wheaton to autograph my copies of his three books, I'm still raving about his keynote (
MP3 here), I played Gauntlet Legends for way too long, I played
Ticket to Ride the fastest I'd ever played it with some guy from San Francisco I'd just met (it reminded me of the Boston University Games Club), and I feel like I kind of caught up to all the happenings in the world of video games, a world that I don't know nearly as much about as when I was younger, was the target of their marketing, and talked video games with my friends on a much more frequent basis.
I'll be back next year, definitely. Maybe only for one day, though, depending on the schedule. Good times.
To wrap up, I compiled a list of the best t-shirt sayings of the weekend:
- Girls Gone WoW
- Live in your world, get pwned in mine
- It's not you, I needed gold pieces
- I'm in ur [blank], [blank]ing ur [blank]
- Sex, drugs, and D&D
- I digg your mom
- Real gamers shower
- You had me at Halo
- Will play for mushrooms
- We prefer to be called buccaneer-americans
But my favorite:

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