Thursday, August 17, 2006

Ransacked, smoldering wasteland of bonuses

I spent a good part of Sunday and Monday mining my spreadsheet of bonuses, and concluded that there's not any great ones left. That means I need to add more obscure casinos to my list, accept lesser offers (e.g. 50% bonuses), and go back to improving my poker game, which has suffered terribly these last three months. I finished the easier half of my VBA Omaha assistant. I enter the four cards, and it tells me whether to fold, call, or raise based on the high. Figuring the programming to do the low is more challenging. I tested it out in a game of 1c/2c Omaha high only, and broke even after an hour. The last two nights, though, I've actually made it to bed early -- before midnight. I'm a geezer. (+2 geek points: I'm posting this from a Sound Transit train rolling through Tukwila. New Blackberry. Woot.)

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