Sunday, July 04, 2004

Log by travisl for I hate the Railroad: Chandler Pond Troll (Traditional Cache)

Log by travisl for I hate the Railroad: Chandler Pond Troll (Traditional Cache):

travisl found I hate the Railroad: Chandler Pond Troll (Traditional Cache)

We parked at the best parking spot available, although we didn't know it at the time. I asked a guy working there if we could park there, and he said it was OK. He also told us that the telephone poles that used to be here, and that were now loaded onto the back of a trailer, had been taken down and the lines buried as part of a railroad beautification project.

I asked him if there was a park nearby, and he said that it was best accessed from the transfer station up the road.

I drove up there, thought better of parking at the dump, and did a circuitous roundabout U-turn through the Home Depot parking lot. Exiting, I illegally went straight through the intersection to go to the dump, and whoever was behind me nearly got T-boned.

Sorry 'bout that.

At the dump, it looked like I could either pay or bail out, so I did another U-turn in the dump entry road, and threw Right Wing Wacko out of the car, while I drove back to the starting point.

The guy who had been there earlier was gone, revealing a trailhead. Doh!

A quick stroll to the cache, which RWW had already found for us, stickered the log, and back to the car. That pond sure looks... um... like a pond next to a dump would be expected to look. Don't drink the water.

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